Write down the code in question 50. Although the sequence 4 8 15 16 23 42 is only metioned in one question, the color code is required for all the questions in the tiq series. Write these numbers down, and be prepared to type them in on question 108.
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The Impossible Quiz Answer 42 QUIZ
You need to remember the sequence blue, red, blue, yellow and “108 = 4 8 15 16 23 42”for an upcom ing qu es ti on.
Web question 50 of the impossible quiz contains a simple but really important task for you.
Web the impossible quiz consists of a total of 110 questions.You have three lives, and answering incorrectly will result in losing a life. The question says remember:, followed a colour code and a number code.Each question presents you with four options, only one of which is correct.
The impossible quiz series questions.A list of numbers is written on the screen on question 50. The colour code says blue, red, blue, yellow, while the number code says 108 = 4 8 15 16 23 42.Said number code is a major plot.
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